08 Jun

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Community Information Session

Hosted by: Mark


Are you having a hard time controlling the way you eat?
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous is holding a free information session on June 8.

Are you having a hard time controlling the way you eat?

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, “FA”, will be holding a free community information session in Toronto on Saturday, June 8, from 11:00am–12:30pm in Room 224 of the Toronto Public Library at 40 Orchard View Boulevard.

FA is a recovery program for people who suffer from food obsession, overeating, bulimia, and under-eating.
The program is based on the Twelve Steps of AA. Everyone is welcome to this information meeting, including those who think they may have a food problem, or those who are concerned about someone they know.

FA is FREE and open to all who want to stop eating addictively.

For more information, contact Mark I. 905-448-8894 or visit for a list of regular weekly meetings in the Toronto area.

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