Our story begins in Richmond, Virginia, when a young migrant, Otto Orkin, launched his own rodent control company. His local business grew quickly and by the 1930s, Orkin begun tackling termites too. He soon expanded, opening up neighbourhood services across the US.
During the Second World War, Orkin supplied essential pest control services to more than 150 US military establishments, with local technicians travelling by bike due to gasoline rationing.
Two decades later, the situation could not have been more different. Orkin went from strength to strength and in 1964, in a unique business deal, visionary entrepreneur O. Wayne Rollins bought Orkin for $62 million, on a mission to take the company to new heights.
At Orkin Canada, we know our pests, and you can too. Explore our pest library to learn how to identify and deter common pests.